




toeic resized.png




共 11 題,測驗時間約 20 分鐘。


第一部分 Read a text aloud 朗讀




第二部分 Describe a picture 描述照片



第三部分 Respond to questions 回答問題

重點:先聽懂再回答。這幾題個人認為是比較輕鬆的,就跟真人對話差不多,他問你Are you a morning person or a night person?你照你自己的狀況回答就可以了,但若是我的話可能還會加 說I am a morning person because I feel the most productive in the morning, when I can......這樣加下去比較有真人對話的感覺。


第四部分 Respond to questions using information provided 依據題目資料應答

重點:直接上場播音時就要開始看所給的資料通常是會給行程表或是課表甚麼的,你找到對的答案把它說出來即可前面兩題只要回答 15 秒;第三題要回答30秒。


第五部分 Propose a solution 提出解決方案


下面給一個回復客人的範本,是我在網上查到之後再自己改一下下的。不過原credit還是網上的那個,shout out to him。

Dear xxx, 

This is ___. I am calling you for a request you recently reported to us. In your message, you mentioned a problem about xxx; and hence, you would like to have xxx from our company. First of all, I completely understand the frustrating situation you have been facing; however, after checking for the reason why such things happened, we found a slight problem in the execution process. Because of the internet/ the system , we cannot fulfill your requirement. Nevertheless, due to the special circumstance, we will be holding a meeting in order to work things out. Perhaps, if convenient, you can give me a call to confirm the date of the meeting, and we will be working the hardest to meet your needs if possible.

Thank you for your time, consideration, and forthcoming response.


Besrt Regards,

Your Name


第六部分 Express an opinion 陳述意見




共8題,測驗時間約 60 分鐘。


第一部分 Write a sentence based on a picture 描述照片



第二部分 Respond to a written request 回覆書面要求

重點:跟口說測驗中的Propose a solution提出解決方案有點類似,回復email等等的。跟口說測驗不同的是要用打出來的。考試沒有autocorrect,考生的打字速度和正確度也很重要。



Dear xxx, 

This is _____. I am calling you for a request you recently reported to us. .......(和上面口說的類似) Nevertheless, we will be giving you a 50% off coupon in order to make up for this unpleasant  issue you faced when shopping at our company. Again, I am deeply sorry, and we would like you to know that the company has now been aware of this problem, and proposals to solutions are now under discussion. 

Thank you for your time, consideration, and forthcoming reesponse.


Best Regards,

Your Name



To Whom It May Concern:

Dear xxx,

I have received your correspondence earlier.  I am delighted to say that ...... and will continue to ....... Please note that the ......, but please be assured this task will be completed by the end of ...... Also, I completely agree with what you are saying with regard to the ...... and I will maintain ...... to a satisfactory standard.

Yours Sincerely,

Your Name


第三部分 Write an opinion 陳述意見

重點:跟口說測驗中的Express an opinion陳述意見有點類似選一個立場闡述自己的意見。通常會是問你一個問題你支持與否,練習時可以多看新聞或essay等論述文。這個時候如果想展示你的寫作程度,這題就是你的showtime。







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